Why experimentation is the best business strategy

October 16, 2020 00:51:45
Why experimentation is the best business strategy
Simply Biz Besties
Why experimentation is the best business strategy

Oct 16 2020 | 00:51:45


Hosted By

Shelley Tonkin Smith

Show Notes

As a solo business owner, do you find yourself thinking things like:
“What strategy should I be using?”
“Is this the right website builder / billing software / online course [insert “thing” here!] to choose?”
“I don’t know if I’m doing this right. Can someone just give me the answer?!”

The truth is that there are very few “right answers” in this ever-changing online business world — even though the gurus would have you believe otherwise. But the good news is that you can find the right answers for YOU and YOUR BUSINESS. Want to know how?

Experimentation. Specifically by running small experiments in your business (and even in your life in general) and intentionally learning from the process.

In this episode of the Simply Biz Besties Podcast, Francesca and Shelley dive into the mindset and practice of experimentation in business. They share how experimentation has helped them to build momentum and get results in their own businesses by taking action — one small step at a time. Emphasis on small.

And if “experimentation” feels too sciency for you, then don’t worry (there’s no need for a lab coat!). Experimentation is really more about playfulness and about applying a bit of intentional reflection on what you’re already doing — so that you can get the answers you need to move forward with confidence in your business. So it’s just as much for the creatives and dreamers as it is for the data junkies and math nerds amongst us ;)

For show notes, visit Simply Biz Besties.

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