Routine for Business Owners

November 13, 2020 00:53:44
Routine for Business Owners
Simply Biz Besties
Routine for Business Owners

Nov 13 2020 | 00:53:44


Hosted By

Shelley Tonkin Smith

Show Notes

Do you find yourself mentally drained when you think of all the things you have to do in a day for your business?
How about decision fatigue—do you find yourself overwhelmed with options and exhausted because of all the decision-making you have to do?
Are you struggling to find your flow in business—and in life?
Are you just sick of having to think all the time?!

If that’s how you’re feeling, then you need to make friends with ROUTINE. Having a set of routines that you can regularly just queue up and execute in your business is going to save you so much mental energy, rid you of decision fatigue, and finally get you to that place of ease and flow—even if you’ve got a lot on your plate right now.

And if you’re thinking that routine sounds a little… routine (a.k.a. boring and uncreative), then Francesca is going to convince you otherwise in this episode! She’s coached Shelley, a self-proclaimed rebel and routine-sceptic, and the result is that Shelley has now embraced routine in her life and business (she may even quite like it!).

So tune in and get ready to get into the CEO Flow as you incorporate simple, but powerful routines into your business and life.

For Show Notes, got to Simply Biz Besties.

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